5G Concerns May Cancel Flights

5G Concerns May Cancel Flights

5G concerns everybody. Shockingly, recent documents by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics (RTCA, inc.) indicate dangerous conflicts in 5G usage. Buckle up kiddies ’cause yer in for a ride! Simply, the...
LinkedIn and The Great Resignation

LinkedIn and The Great Resignation

Will there be a great resignation? …and what is a great resignation anyways? I got a note from Andrew Seaman, an editor at LinkedIn News. I’m sure everyone got one. Technically it’s called a sales letter. It has your name on it. Always, it has an...
COVID Tracker

COVID Tracker

The COVID-19 Data Window (CDW) exposes important information in a way we can all understand. Graphical displays collate significant data and organize it according to our own interests. Mostly, we are concerned how COVID-19 affects us or the people close to us. The CDW...