The timetracker business incubator seeks to simplify and organize production for small business owners or other users such as in academic or multi-person informal projects. The timetracker highlights the key elements in a task or project and offers real time communication on project and task status. The time tracker's intuitive design and project guidance methods help users apply their efforts efficiently to produce clear project and task outlines. The ability to add task notes in real time which can be viewed by the whole team extends co-location functionality to remote users. The timetracker works by focusing on needed information and displaying it clearly to the user so the user can focus on the job at hand
Modern project management tools are built to reflect the wide diversity in the ways they may be used and the projects they may be used on. Because of this, they may have functions or options that are never touched by smaller teams on smaller projects. They may be total overkill for a small business with two or three workers or a single person that wants to track their work products.
Another concern is the amount of time it takes to operate the project management application. It takes a certain amount of time to set up a project. Clocking in, clocking out, adding information or updates all take time. Navigating through an application and documenting the work can become another task altogether.
Currently, rapid software development practices would like to see documentation but they will settle for some notes in the code if a working product can be delivered on time. Software; technical and product support; construction and industry all need a simple way to communicate by logging problems and solutions ASAP so others on the team can benefit immediately.
The entities required to define a project have been reduced to four:
Looking at the diagram, we can see a person may be associated with many tasks. A task may have many persons working on it or many persons working in parallel on many of the same type of task. The client entity has a person associated with it as a point of contact and a project has a person associated as contact through the client. A client may have many projects but each project only has one client. A project may have many tasks and a certain task may be required by many projects. The entities that bind persons, tasks and projects are:
Persons, tasks, clients and projects are created using form input boxes reached by clicking on links in the header navigation bar. The form input boxes guide the user by employing auto-complete functions and error remarks. For example: A task must be assigned to a person before the task timer can be employed. Additionally, a person and a task must exist in the database before a task can be assigned. In the case of missing information the timetracker will interrupt the user and prompt them to add the missing pieces before continuing.
The Timetracker also contains a logging function that records all input instances. The log and other database tables can be tapped to generate reports about a person, task, project or client.
Timetracker architecture enhances cross-collaboration for unrelated projects wherein task requirements, obstacles and solutions may be similar. Hierarchical dependencies and time constraints may be eliminated by displaying information simultaneously about a given task to everyone on a team or across teams in an organization. By using the task timer's note keeping function, inter-departmental communication and oversight can happen all at once.
Because this is a demonstrator application, visibility is not limited and logins are not needed. Anyone can see or edit anything - go ahead and try it! The reason for this is we want people to see it and try it and not waste time. Obviously, abuse will be answered with a session wrapper on the application and requests from people with names and email addresses will be required to view it. In a production version access would be tiered and a proper demonstration would require logging in a handful of names as users, manager, admin and creating a project environment. For simplicity in focusing on and displaying the important relations in task tracking, a lot has been left out. However, the steps to secure this app or add complete functionality can be accomplished as needed.
If you would like to know more about Timetracker please send a note.